Monday, November 24, 2008

As it Goes Nearer..

Unbelievable but it seems just like yesterday that my parents told me that they're going for
Haji in 2 months..
Now it is just 2 days away that my parent is going..
Don't know why but it seems like it is still a dream..
I've so much afraid that i would wake up and realize my parents are already gone to Mekah.
Hope it wont happen like that.
Wish that i have more time to spend with you before departure.
Anyway will spend these last day, returning home early..That's a promise..

Well not much to say them..just..
"Smg pergi and balik ye ayah dan mama..Doa lina smg mama and ayah selamat pergi dan
pulang serta mendapat haji mabrur..Jangan lupa doakan kami di sini"

Don't know why but i seems to lose idea to write here :(