Mcm tak percaya je..
it's finally over..
41 days my parents have gone for their hajj..
(warning..this post has 2 different languange hehe..)
First 2 days..mmg tak terasa lagi bahang ye..
Bl dh one week, ohh.. the hectic is there..
Mn nk cara rumah, mn nak cr keja, mana nk cr adik2..
that's moment, i solute all the mom in the world..
it's a though job..
would appreciate u more, mama..
Semasa permegian bonda dan ayah ke tanah haram..
Pelbagai event terjadi..
Mak dik walimah..
Raya haji..
Kak Long aishah tunang..
the 3 event is seen in the pic..
* 1st pic, after event..sorry mak dik yr pic tak de..
ni..gmbr org2 keletihan bergambar
2nd pic..kat umah achik.this pic is 1st pic aizat ambik gn timer..
3rd pic..kak long
ramai2 xde lak...
But alhamdulillah..
all of it went well...
Tp seriously xnk ulang lagi..
Having yr parents beside u in your life is a treasure..
Priceless..valuable..nothing to be compare..
Glad that u r with us now..
To all who are there for us masa our parents tak de,
Thousand of thanks..hanya Allah je yang dapat membalas jasa baik dirimu..
P/s : Nasib baik tak de org ambik gambr keadaan umah masa mama n ayah xde..
Pd sesape yg smpt mnjadi saksi, biarlah ia menjadi rahsia..
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